Participant Booklet

  • Welcome

    On behalf of the whole team, a very warm welcome to Evolution Disability Services. We are thrilled that you chose our organisation, and we look forward to working with you to achieve your goals. 

    The purpose of this document is to provide information for new participants joining Evolution Disability Services, as well as your families, carers, or significant others, about the important policies and procedures which may affect you during your time with us. 

    In the following pages, you will find information about our services, your rights while at Evolution Disability Services, and information about your privacy, information we gather about you, and who to contact to give feedback or to make a complaint. 

    This document also gives you a thorough understanding of the important workplace expectations we set, as well as what you can expect from us as an organisation.

  • Interpreting and Translation

    The delivery of safe, high-quality services relies on effective communication. Where required, interpreters and translators will be made available at no cost to support your interactions with us. 

  • About Evolution Disability Services

    Our Mission

    Our mission is to help people with a disability live healthier lives and to be a valued member of the community.

    Our Vision

    Empowering individuals to reach their full potential by supporting them to achieve their goals, dreams, and aspirations.

    Our Values


    We will honour commitments and never compromise ethics. 


    We work in partnership with participants, their families, and carers to ensure they have choice, control, and a voice in determining the supports, services, and community activities.


    We respect the dignity, diversity, and individuality of all people. 


    We strive to continually be welcoming and serving to all with understanding and without judgement.

  • Our Service

    Our team will support you to:

    • Feel in control of your supports.
    • Be more informed about all available options.
    • Maximise supports.
    • Feel more connected.
    • Receive assistance with making decisions about the future.
    • Find support in the local community.
    • Increase confidence.

    Our team will assist you to navigate the NDIS system by providing information, advice, and support when decisions need to be made.

    We will ensure you are supported to understand your National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan and connect you with people and supports that will enable you to live life as you have chosen and reach your potential.

  • What You Can Expect from Us

    We are committed to you and as part of our service delivery you can expect:

    Personalised service

    • We focus on individual goals.
    • We are committed to finding the best support services for you.
    • We will meet with our participants one-to-one for personal support.
    • We will mentor and coach you to build your understanding of the NDIS

    Extensive resources

    • Our teams are experts in navigating NDIS information system.
    • We have access to a diverse range of information about suitable mainstream services and activities.

    Proactive communications

    • We will prioritise crisis situations and attend to them as appropriate
    • We will commit to regular, open, and responsive communication if your preferred format.
  • Our Responsibilities

    We agree to deliver a positive support coordination experience by:

    • Reviewing the provision of your supports at not less than quarterly intervals.
    • Providing supports that meet your needs at your preferred times (where reasonable and possible); and
    • Providing services in accordance with the service descriptions.
    • Protecting your privacy and confidential information in accordance with the Evolution Disability Services Privacy & Confidentiality Policy, as published and updated on our website.
    • Communicating openly and honestly in a timely manner.
    • Treating you with courtesy and respect and deliver our services in a fair, equitable and transparent manner.
    • Consulting you on decisions regarding how your supports are provided.
    • Facilitating arrangements for your Advocate (as defined under the NDIS) if you are affected by a complaint or incident and wish to be independently supported in that process by an Advocate.
    • Helping you understand your plan and what supports funding can be used for establishing connection between you and providers.
    • Setting up plan budgets for each category for the duration of the plan.
    • Providing an interim NDIS Participant Evaluation Summary to NDIS.
    • Preparing for your plan review and reviewing of your goal setting and achievements.
    • Maintaining accurate records regarding the supports delivered to you.
    • Providing you with information about managing any complaints or disagreements with providers (including the details of their cancellation policy, if relevant); and
    • Listening to your feedback and resolve problems as quickly as is reasonable to do so. 

    However, please note that Evolution Disability Services, and its Support Coordinators are not able to,

  • Conflict of Interest Disclaimer

    The NDIS Terms of Business for Registered Providers require providers to have policies (HR-11 Conflict of Interest) about potential conflicts of interest in service delivery. Evolution Disability Services and its team members will:

    • Ensure that when providing support to participants under the NDIS, including when offering Support Coordination services, any conflict of interest is declared and any risks to participants are mitigated
    • Ensure that advice to a participant about support options (including those not delivered directly by Evolution Disability Services) is transparent and promotes choice and control.
  • Your Rights

    Evolution Disability Services respects and fully commits to upholding the rights of all people, including those with disabilities. We are also committed to ensuring you are aware of your rights and responsibilities and are supported to exercise them.

    In supporting you to exercise your rights, we must comply with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and NDIS Practice Standards (2018) - Rights and Responsibilities.


    You have the right to be respected, accepted, and always treated with dignity when working with Evolution Disability Services.

    A Safe Environment

    Every person has a right to live a life free from fear of violence, abuse, harm, neglect, and exploitation, regardless of their disability, race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, or political or other opinion. You have a right to be safe and protected while with Evolution Disability Services.

    Autonomy and Independence

    You have the right to make your own choices and decisions, to have control over your own life, and to choose the supports and services that best suit your needs. Evolution Disability Services will always respect your independence and the decisions you make.

    Person-Centred Decision Making

    Evolution Disability Services is committed to a person-centred approach to service delivery and service development. Evolution Disability Services will take into account individual choices and the rights of each participant when providing services. All participants have the right to make their own decisions and to have choices that enable them to fully participate in their community.


    You have the right not to be discriminated against on the basis of your disability, race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, or political or other opinion, both with Evolution Disability Services and in every other arena. You have the right to be free from stereotypes and prejudices. No one at Evolution Disability Services will ever discriminate against or stereotype you.

    Participation and Inclusion

    You have the right to full and effective social participation and cultural inclusion, and to have your individual and cultural needs supported while you are with Evolution Disability Services.

    Equal Opportunities 

    Evolution Disability Services will always support you to exercise your right to reach your full potential, and to have your capability and capacity recognised and supported. Evolution Disability Services will always promote your rights, interests, and wellbeing.


    You have the right to access all aspects of social, recreational, educational, and vocational life, in a way which is free from discrimination, abuse, neglect and exploitation. You have the right to equal access to the physical environment, transport, information and communication, and other facilities. Evolution Disability Services will always offer its services and supports in a way which is fully accessible.


    You have the right to be treated equally, including under the law and between genders. Every person at Evolution Disability Services is equal and will always be treated equally.

    Access to Justice

    You have the right to equal access and participation in the justice system. Evolution Disability Services will always support you to access the justice system, should you require it.

    Exercising Your Rights

    You can exercise your rights at all times while with Evolution Disability Services and expect to have your rights upheld and respected.

  • Your Responsibilities

    Evolution Disability Services is committed to working in partnership with all participants, and their families, to ensure that everyone remains happy, healthy, safe in and is empowered to achieve their goals. We are 100% committed to upholding your rights, and we ask that you also uphold your responsibilities during your time with Evolution Disability Services.

    Treating Our Staff with Respect

    Evolution Disability Services staff have the right to come to a safe and happy workplace. We ask that you treat any employee or representative of Evolution Disability Services, and its enterprises, with courtesy and respect.

    Working withEvolution Disability Services to Ensure

    Services Meet Your Needs You have a responsibility to work with the Evolution Disability Services team to ensure the services we are providing to you truly meet your needs. Please reach out to us if your goals or needs change, or if you are not happy with the outcomes you are achieving. 

    We also ask that you talk with us in circumstances where we raise concerns with you directly about how the service is going. We ask that you provide all information, reports, plans and documents required for us to be able to deliver services safely. 

    In particular, we require a copy of your Behaviour Support Plan, and other medical documents such as an Epilepsy management plan, if you have one.

    Changes to Contact and Support Information

    It is the responsibility of participants, or their representatives, to inform Evolution Disability Services of any changes to:

    • Contact details, living arrangements, transport requirements, home environment and personal situation, as this can impact the provision of the services we provide.
    • Medical status, medication needs or daily management processes.
    • Your NDIS plan or billing arrangements.
    • Anything else that may affect your service with Evolution Disability Services.

    Health and Safety

    We ask that you respect Evolution Disability Services’s WH&S policies and procedures and listen to requests from staff as it relates to safety when conducting visits and behave in a professional manner. Unsafe and/or violent behaviours are not tolerated by Evolution Disability Services. An unsafe behaviour is any behaviour that may endanger the safety of an individual or others around them, such as throwing items or aggressive acts. 

    Personal Relationships

    At Evolution Disability Services, we encourage the development of strong, dynamic and vibrant relationships between everyone within the organisation, including between all staff, volunteers, participants, supporters, and other stakeholders. We believe that the stronger and deeper our interpersonal relationships are, the better we will fare as an organisation. We encourage all our personnel to adopt healthy relationships with others involved in the organisation, but we do expect that everyone remains mindful of each other’s boundaries. If an individual feels that a relationship with any person involved with the organisation has crossed a line, they are encouraged to bring it to the attention of a Manager.

  • Involving Family, Carers and Advocates in Decision Making

    You have the choice about whether your family, carers and advocates are involved in the decision-making process and in the exercising of your rights. Your choice in this regard will always be respected. 

    To ensure the open and transparent flow of communication about your services, we will always endeavour to keep your family, carers and advocates up to date about your progress at Evolution Disability Services. If you would rather, we do not share any information about your program with your family, please let us know and this preference will be respected.

    Evolution Disability Services fully supports your right to have an independent advocate support you in your interactions with us. If you would like help finding an independent advocate, speak to one of our staff.

    Advocacy Organisations

    PWDA – People with Disability Australia:

    Phone: 1800 422 016


    Mental Health Advocacy Service:

    The Mental Health Advocacy Service (MHAS) is a state-wide specialist service of Legal Aid NSW. We provide free legal information, advice and assistance about mental health law.

    You can telephone for an appointment to come and speak to a lawyer at our Burwood office. 

    Phone: 02 9745 4277

    Intellectual Disability Rights Service

    The Intellectual Disability Rights Service provides services from four locations in NSW. The head office is base in Redfern. The regional offices provide support for people with intellectual disability at police stations, courts and other locations for criminal matters. These are services of the Criminal Justice Support Network.

    Phone: 1800 666 611



    Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association

    The Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of NSW (MDAA) is the peak body for all people in NSW with disability and their families and carers, with a particular focus on those from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)/ Non-English Speaking (NES) background with disability.

    Phone: 1800629072


    Postal: PO Box 144 Hurstville NSW 1481  

    Alternatively, you can use the Disability Advocacy Finder, which is available online at

  • Privacy and Record Keeping

    When you start with Evolution Disability Services, we will discuss with you our service agreement which is also our consent form. 

    You have the right to have your privacy respected by Evolution Disability Services, in terms of the information we retain about you, and the information we share with your family, support workers and advocates. 

    We collect, use, protect and release Personal Information in full compliance with relevant State and Federal privacy legislation and will only be released to other people or services with your informed consent, in an emergency, or where such disclosure is required or authorised by law. For example, Mandatory Reporting of any child protection concerns.

    Evolution Disability Services will only collect information necessary for safe and effective service delivery. This may include but not limited to program offers, medical information, contact details, support needs, progress notes and other important information, e.g companion card details.  These files are an integral part of daily operations and service delivery at Evolution Disability Services.

    We will only use information for the purpose it was collected and secure it safely. When we collect your information, we will explain why we are collecting the information and how we plan to use it. 

    Recorded material in audio and or visual format may be required for proof of consent and or to support services. You will be informed prior to recording of what is being captured the reasons for it and who it is for. We will only take photos or videos of you with your full and voluntary consent.

    Types of consent used by Evolution Disability Services.

    • Written—For all service agreements

    • Verbal—Can be used where it is not practicable to obtain written consent. 

    We will keep clear records about the services delivered to you and you may access the information we hold about you, including in order to update or correct it, subject to certain exceptions. If you wish to access your information, please speak to a staff member.

    When your information is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was obtained, we will destroy or permanently de-identify it.

  • Collecting Statistical Information

    At intervals across the year, Evolution Disability Services will attempt to collect quantitative and qualitative statistical information for the purposes of quality control, measurement of impact, etc. 

    Evolution Disability Services will request permission from the participant and their family/carer or guardian to participate prior to the information gathering exercise.

    If individuals would not like to participate in our information gathering program, or would like to opt out at any stage, they have the right to do so. Simply email for more information or to opt out of statistical gathering exercises.

  • Feedback and Complaints

    You have the right to provide feedback about the services you receive from evolutiondisabilityservices, and to make a complaint at any time. We will listen to your feedback and work to resolve any issues or problems as quickly as we can.

    What Happens Once I Raise A Complaint?

    When you raise a complaint to Evolution Disability Services, we will explain:

    • What will happen while the complaint is being dealt with.
    • What supports are available to you while the complaint is being dealt with.
    • Who will deal with the complaint.
    • What will happen next, such as when you are likely to be contacted.

    You Should Not:

    • Be made to feel that you cannot make a complaint.
    • Feel that making a complaint will have any effect on the services you are receiving from Evolution Disability Services.
    • Feel that you cannot request assistance while making the complaint.

    The time it takes to resolve a complaint will depend on the nature of the complaint. Simple complaints may be resolved immediately. If we need to make further enquiries, it may take a few weeks to resolve.

    Evolution Disability Services is committed to resolving complaints in the timeliest manner possible. Once the complaint is resolved, you will be informed of the outcome. You may wish to raise any ongoing problems or concerns at this time.

    How to Provide Feedback or Make a Complaint

    If you wish to give Evolution Disability Services feedback or make a complaint, please contact us at any time via:

    Phone: 0433 224 729




    What If I am Not Happy with The Outcome of The Complaint?

    If you are not satisfied that your comment or complaint has been appropriately managed, please feel free to contact Evolution Disability Services

     Operation Manager at any time on:



    You Can Also Contact the NDIS, Ombudsman and Other Services

    If you are not satisfied with Evolution Disability Services

    ’s treatment of your complaint, or you do not want to talk to Evolution Disability Services

    , you can access the following supports:

    1. National Disability Insurance Agency Quality and Safeguards Commission

    A complaint can be made to the Commission by:

    Phone: 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or


    TTY 133 677 Interpreters can be arranged.

    Further information is also available at

    The Commission can take complaints about services or supports that were not provided in a safe and respectful way, or that were not delivered to an appropriate standard.

    2. NSW Ombudsman

    You can contact the NSW Ombudsman at:

    Phone: (02) 9286 1000 (Sydney metro) or 1800 451 524 (rural/ regional callers only)


    3. Administrative Decisions Tribunal

    The Administrative Decisions Tribunal can review such decisions in certain circumstances. Further information can be found at:

    Phone: 1800 060 410


    4. Anti-Discrimination Board (ADB)

    The ADB investigates and conciliates such complaints.

    Further information can be found at:

    Phone: (02) 9268 5555 or 1800 670 812 (rural/regional callers only)


  • Incident Reporting

    Evolution Disability Services take all incidents very seriously and can assure you that we will report all incidents to the relevant authorities as a matter of the highest priority.

    Evolution Disability Services will also conduct very comprehensive internal investigation and ensure the following takes place during and after the investigation. The QHSE&R Manager will contact you to provide regular updates of the investigations progress.

    Evolution Disability Services will review the findings with you and discuss what actions are being undertaken to eliminate or mitigate this from happening in the future. 

    Evolution Disability Services will provide you a copy of the completed Incident report findings and SMART actions for your records.

    If you have any questions or require additional information, please call our office, and ask to speak with the Operations Manager at any time.



  • Getting Started with Evolution Disability Services

    So, you are keen to get started. 

    What should you do now?

    The first thing you need to do is contact the Evolution Disability Services Team and let them know you are ready to get started. The team will arrange an appointment at a time and place of your choosing to review your supports and complete a service agreement to allow Evolution Disability Services to assist and support you during your NDIS journey. 

    Evolution Disability Services Agreement

    This document describes how we will work together to deliver services. It includes our terms and conditions, as well as information about cancellation of supports, funding arrangements etc. It is important that you read your Service Agreement and sign. Evolution Disability Services will answer all your questions and if you need more time to consider your options or seek advice, we will fully support your request.

    Schedule of Supports

    The Schedule of Supports is incorporated into the service agreement which explains what services we will be delivering to you and what NDIS line number we will be using. 

    Individual Support Provision 

    This document allows us to capture what supports you wish us to identify and implement for you. It also captures risks, strengths, potential limiters, and preferred providers. This document gives Evolution Disability Services clear direction on what your wish to spend your NDIS funding on in achieving your NDIS goals. 

    Fees & Charges

    We will discuss fees with you before providing services and include all fees in the Service Agreement. The Service Agreement contains detailed information about the services we will provide you and how fees are paid. This must be agreed to by you before services can commence. Evolution Disability Services will provide you with regular invoices and statements to assist you to manage payment for our services.

  • Leaving Evolution Disability Services

    All participants have the right to exit Evolution Disability Services at any time and a decision to do so will not prejudice future access to the service. You must give us 14 days’ notice in writing if you wish to leave our services before the end date in your Service Agreement.

    All participants exiting the service will be offered an Exit Interview, where we can discuss the reason for them leaving and obtain feedback about how we can improve our processes. We also provide a support summary to support people exiting or changing services. 

    Participants who have chosen to exit our services have the right to re-access services without having to follow formal access processes, provided the necessary resources are available.

    If you wish to end your service provision, please speak to a staff member.

  • Service Agreement Changes

    If any material amendments to the Service Agreement are required, Evolution Disability Services shall notify you in writing of the changes and these shall be considered accepted by you, unless you otherwise notify us in writing, within 7 calendar days.

  • Unavoidable / Unplanned Interruption to Service Delivery

    Evolution Disability Services shall notify you immediately of any changes and present a workable solution for your consideration. Evolution Disability Services will work with you to find the best way forward that does not impact of your services. Example of unplanned interruption could be workers becomes ill or family emergencies, vehicle breakdowns, natural disasters and or extreme weather conditions. 

  • Service Termination

    Evolution Disability Services understands that living with a disability can be challenging. We are here to assist you and will attempt a resolution as a priority and only end services if it is identified that it cannot be managed or reconciled.

    Evolution Disability Services may terminate a participant’s services when:

    • Abusing or assaulting an employee, provider, other participant, or damage to Evolution Disability Services property.
    • Possessing, trafficking, or supplying illicit drugs.
    • Continually breaching the terms and conditions of the Evolution Disability Services Agreement.
    • They are unwilling over a period to work towards agreed goals.
    • Financial requirements are not being met.
    • Acting which is intended to harm Evolution Disability Services reputation.

    Any person whose services are terminated have the right to appeal. Appeals should be directed in writing to Evolution Disability Services Operations Manager.

    Contact Us

    Evolution Disability Services

    107 Porpoise Cres, Bligh Park NSW 2756

    Phone: 0433 224 729


    Office Hours

    Mon -Thu 9am to 5pm

    Fri 9am to 3pm

    Weekend Closed

    Public Holidays Closed

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